Offer only- when an actor of a particular status or an actor who has played a particular type of role multiple times, does not audition for a role.
Outs- when an actor in a production is allowed a certain amount of time away from the production to work on another production. Actors are not guaranteed this opportunity.
Dramaturge- a profession in theatre that deals mainly with the research and development of plays. The dramaturge often assists the director in the preparation of a production.
Hot Set- any set or location that is being used for filming or taping, even if the cameras are not rolling. The props, lights and camera arrangements are set up and ready. Never disturb a hot set.
Inner Monologue- a character's active imaginative inner thoughts while the actor is playing a role.
Instrument- the actor's collective working of the body, voice, mind and imagination.
Objective- a character's pursuit of a specific goal in a scene. Also referred to as the intention.
Speed through- a rehearsal exclusively for lines. Actors recite their lines quickly without blocking. This is often to help the actors with memorization.
Martini Shot- last shot of the day
Billing- display of. names of actors the director and other crew people for the opening or closing credits.
Affective Memory- the art of manipulating your own experiences to create a truthful emotional experience.
Turn Around- the number of hours between dismissal one day and call time the next day.
Cross- moving from one part of the stage to the other.
Aside- Actor speaks directly to the audience not meant to be heard by other characters in the scene.
Cheat Out- opening yourself up to the camera or audience when on stage.
CSA- Casting Society of America. This is a guild for casting directors.
Cue- physical action, line or event that that is a signal for someone to do or say something.
Dramatic Irony- When the audience knows more info about the plot and situations than certain characters.
Steady Cam Operator- this is the camera person who moves throughout the scene to get closer shots of the actors on set.
Sense Memory- ability to relive sensations that were experienced through the 5 senses (see, hear, smell, taste, touch).
Bump- When an actor or background performer does something or performs a special ability for which they were not hired. You would ask the AD if there is a "bump" = extra pay.
DOODS- Schedule created by the AD department that has the day, date and character names for the entire days the actor works.
Right of First Refusal- It obligates the agent to call the casting director if the 1st casting director has put a "pin" in the actor, meaning they expressed interest in hiring them but can not make the offer at that moment. If the actor gets another offer that conflicts with the dates that the 1st casting director has already expressed interest in them for, they must communicate that interest from the other project to them. If the 1st casting director is still not able to hire the actor for any reason at the moment, the actor is then "morally" free to accept the 2nd casting directors offer.